Jewett City Party (JCP) is preparing to launch a new website: www.jewettcityparty.comJCP Founder, Ron Ward, stated, "Jewett City Party is dedicated to utilizing technology as a means to give Borough residents complete access to local government." The new website will contain information on the activities of local government that is not currently made available on the official website for the Town of Griswold. Although some information about Jewett City is included on the Griswold Town website; the Borough of Jewett City does not have an official web presence.
The Jewett City Party website will give residents and taxpayers access to information that can be read from any computer with internet capabilities. The JCP Founder noted that, "The internet puts the information at the doorstep of the voter; rather, than the voter being at the doorstep of Town Hall."
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Friday, January 5, 2007
Thank you for the Comments!
Reader's comments are the heart and soul of the Jewett City Party e-blogspot!! Spread the word by emailing a link to this site to your family and friends!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
It's time for New Year Resolutions

Visitors to the Slater Library on Main Street in Jewett City are greeted with an inspirational collection of books and videos for the New Year. The display organized about a large round table includes a variety of titles from Weight Watchers, Dr. Phil, and Califorinia-sytled diet plans.
The Origin Diet: How Eating like Our Stone Age Ancestors will Maximize Your Health by Elizabeth Somer
Train Tough the Army Way by Mark Bender
The Bible's Seven Secrets to Healthy Eating by Joyce Rogers
Sports Illustrated: Super Shape-up Program
Disco Sweat and Groovin in the House by Richard Simmons
Slater Library - 26 Main Street, Jewett City, CT 06351 - 860-376-0024
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Let Us Remember Riverside Grammar School

At the ringing of the dismissal bell in 1963, the last pupils to attend Riverside headed home from school. The building was converted for use by the Borough of Jewett City and the Town of Griswold, opening in 1965, as the seat of local government.
The cherished memories of students, teachers, municipal employees and residents remain as a tribute to Riverside Grammar School.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Jewett City Party seeks status as Independent Third Party
The Secretary of State's Office will have available beginning today, the paperwork necessary to form an independent third party committee. State election laws require the filing of an application accompanied by a written statement. Jewett City Party (JCP) Founder, Ron Ward, stated, "Filing the paperwork with the Secretary of State is the first step required for the Jewett City Party to nominate a slate of candidates for the Jewett City Borough May 2007 municipal elections."
The signatures of twenty-five (25) electors must accompany the written statement indicating that they desire to be members of the newly organized party committee. The filing must also include the offices for which candidates may petition for nomination under the newly formed independent third party.
The JCP Founder indicated that the application would include the following Jewett City Borough offices: Warden, Burgess, Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector and Bailiff. The completed application will also include the following Griswold town-wide offices: First Selectman, Selectman, Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Board of Education, Board of Finance, Board of Assessment Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Town Planning and Zoning Commission.
Although the town-wide offices will not be on the May 2007 ballot, JCP Founder, Ron Ward stated, "Our first responsibility is to offerJewett City voters a choice on May 7th. Going to the polls on election day, only to find one name listed beside each office is not an election." He continued, "In fact, it strikes me as being un-American!"
Jewett City Party will immediately seek-out persons interested in being candidates for the May 7th election. The party will conduct open public meetings to answer questions and encourage broad-based community participation. Remarking on the voters having their first choice in many years, JCP Founder, Ron Ward stated, "Election day May 2007 will mark the end of days when a few party regulars will determine those that represent and serve the many."
The signatures of twenty-five (25) electors must accompany the written statement indicating that they desire to be members of the newly organized party committee. The filing must also include the offices for which candidates may petition for nomination under the newly formed independent third party.
The JCP Founder indicated that the application would include the following Jewett City Borough offices: Warden, Burgess, Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector and Bailiff. The completed application will also include the following Griswold town-wide offices: First Selectman, Selectman, Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Board of Education, Board of Finance, Board of Assessment Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Town Planning and Zoning Commission.
Although the town-wide offices will not be on the May 2007 ballot, JCP Founder, Ron Ward stated, "Our first responsibility is to offer
Jewett City Party will immediately seek-out persons interested in being candidates for the May 7th election. The party will conduct open public meetings to answer questions and encourage broad-based community participation. Remarking on the voters having their first choice in many years, JCP Founder, Ron Ward stated, "Election day May 2007 will mark the end of days when a few party regulars will determine those that represent and serve the many."
Monday, January 1, 2007
Jewett City Bus No. 9 -- Last Stop Lisbon Landing?
The Jewett City local loop (route #8) has been completely eliminated. Shortly thereafter, the Jewett City route 9 was shortened, resulting in less passenger service in the Borough. SEAT is now prepared to completely eliminate the Jewett City run from evening going to Jewett City.
During the time that Jewett City residents and taxpayers are finding it more difficult to get to work by riding the bus, the Southeast CT Council of Governments (SCCOG) has been administering a $500,000 state funded study entitled, "The CT Intermodal Connections Study (State Project No. 103-253)." The stated purpose is to prepare a plan "for a service that would provide linkage of train, ferry, and bus with tourist attractions in Southeastern CT.
Jewett City Party Founder, Ron Ward, organized a community discussion to give Jewett City residents an opportunity to participate in the process of determining their needs related to the bus service. And, to make sure that when route 9 stops at Lisbon Landing, an alternative service is provided to the residents and taxpayers of Jewett City.
SEAT employees opposed holding the community meeting and requested that the Griswold Senior Center withdraw their commitment to host the meeting at their Jewett City facility. It appears that the "official word" is that final decisions regarding Jewett City bus No. 9 have not been made. However, SEAT personnel, local officials, and the bus passengers all know that with increasing traffic on Route 12 and the coming of the new shopping center at Lisbon Crossing, changes will be necessary.
Doing a study to make it easier for tourists to come and spend money makes sense. Making it more difficult for a bus-riding employee to get to work and put the tourist dollar in the cash register is just ridiculous!
The B-I-G questions: What changes are best for the residents of Jewett City? and, How will those changes be funded?
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Welcome to the Jewett City Party - Blog!!
It's all about You - it's all about Me - it's about -- "The All of Us." It's about the three thousand or so people that call Jewett City -- Our Home. It's about the obligation of elected leaders to put aside partisan politics and party loyalty to achieve the best result for our community. It's about government officials providing loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Borough as a whole - regardless of the political consequences. It's about demanding that our public servants meet their day-to-day obligation of obtaining the consent of the people; and, not just our vote on election day.
Jewett City Party welcomes you to this Blog and encourages your participation!!
Jewett City Party welcomes you to this Blog and encourages your participation!!
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