Friday, March 2, 2007

'My position ... will overshadow the Borough Election,' said the First Selectwoman of Griswold.

The original of this letter is on file in the Office of the Griswold Town Clerk, 28 Main Street, Jewett City, CT 06351.

######################### Letter stamped received 07 FEB 22 AM 9:00

February 22, 2007

Anne Hatfield
P.O. Box 513
Jewett City, CT 06351

Town Clerk
28 Main St.
Jewett City, CT 06351

RE: Notice to Clerk of resignation from position as Treasurer for the Committee to Elect Melinda Seaman Brooks

It is with regret that I must resign my position as Treasurer for the Committee to Elect Melinda Seaman Brooks effective upon filing of the amended Candidate Registration form to be submitted by the new Treasurer for the Committee, Marjorie Lang. I remain in full support of Ms. Brooks and I am confident that this transition will be seamless without any disruption to her campaign.

After much though, it is my opinion, that my position as the First Selectwoman for the Town of Griswold will overshadow the Borough election and detract from what is important, namely, the republican and democratic Warden candidates, Melinda Seaman Brooks and Cynthia Kata. Two lifelong residents with opposing views on how to make the Borough a better place.

I have the utmost confidence that these two women will run a clean yet hard fought professional campaign to promote the best interest for all of us who live, work or visit the Borough. I look forward to a healthy debate on important Borough issues such as sewer rates and economic development.

It is with the best intentions at heart for the Town, Borough, and candidates, that I submit this resignation as a preventative measure against further negative campaign agendas and political attacks.

Best of luck to both candidates who are willing to serve selflessly and promote the best interest of our community.

Anne P. Hatfield

######################### end of letter

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