Sunday, April 29, 2007

Jewett City Party gives Borough residents more choice on ballot

[click here to read January 21, 2007 Norwich Bulletin editorial: Our View More Choice on Ballot]

Jewett City ballot offers choice: 3 candidates running for warden

by Julie A. Varughese, published by Norwich Bulletin - April 29, 2007

Ah, Jewett City.

Home to Slater Mill Mall, Veterans Memorial Park and probably the quietest elections around.

The last borough election, in 2005, attracted only 3.73 percent of the electorate.

Some complain the high number of renters is the reason so few turn out at the polls. Others blame the unconventional time of year -- May rather than November -- the borough elections are held.

The prevailing argument, though, is usually there's little choice on the ballot. Most candidates in recent years have run unopposed.

Not so this year. And some officials and residents hope that means a larger interest in voting.

The Democrats have re-nominated four-term incumbent Warden Cynthia Kata. The Republican candidate is Melinda Seaman Brooks, a lifelong Griswold resident. And there's even a third choice: Newcomer Ron Ward is running as the Jewett City Party candidate.

Renter Ken Miller said he doesn't plan to vote May 7 and isn't aware of the issues that anger some residents, such as the increased cost of utilities, lack of parking and the suspicion among some borough tax dollars aren't spent wisely.

"I'm just a temporary resident," he said. "So I don't pay attention to what's going on in the local political scene."

The Bulletin today profiles the three candidates for borough warden. Each offers a different outlook. Voters get to make their choice May 7.

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