Here are a couple quotes from the article:
Some communities have able leaders, and for that they should be grateful. But sometimes local elections are little more than popularity contests, whose outcomes fail to best serve constituents.As for the recent Jewett City Borough election, the Norwich Bulletin did not make an endorsement in the contest for Borough Warden. The only way that towns can have "able leadership" is for the residents to vote. Going to the polls requires taxpayers to make a decision and select a candidate.
Are you satisfied with the people running your town?
No longer is simple tenure good enough to secure another term leading a town. Common sense, due diligence and a plan for the future are needed to make sure there are more towns like Preston and Colchester and fewer like Canterbury and Montville.
Plainfield and Griswold seem to be turning the corner into the 21st century, and kudos to the new leadership for bringing it. To the others from another generation of elected officials, hop on board the bandwagon to the future, or get out of the way.
If the Norwich Bulletin could not be a "participating citizen" and make a decision on a Warden candidate, then the words of the editorial back on February 4th just simply ring hollow.
Budgets and taxation are two of the most fundamental functions of government. Jewett City residents have direct input on the budget through the Freeman's Meeting. On this topic, the Norwich Bulletin didn't believe that the Tuesday, May 15th meeting was worthy of a news story. In fact, the small notice published did not even correctly publish the proposed mill rate.
Why it is that a proposed 52% increase in total tax collected is not worthy of a news article seems to be inconsistent with the stated position of the Norwich Bulletin back on February 4th. How can residents answer the question, "Are you satisfied with the people running your town?" (as asked by the Norwich Bulletin on February 4th), when the news papers give little to no coverage of the budget meeting to raise awareness so that residents will attend?
Jewett City Party will continue in its efforts to inform residents and encourage their attendance at public meetings. Especially, attendance at meetings where taxpayers can vote. A news article appearing this morning in the local press would have definitely "turned out" a few more attendees at tonight's Jewett City budget meeting. Taxpayers attending the meeting would have an opportunity to watch, participate, and make an independent opinion regarding their "satisfaction" with local leaders.
The Norwich Bulletin encouraged towns to "hop on board the bandwagon to the future, or get out of the way." Advise timely given needs to be advise presently taken. Come on Norwich Bulletin -- the band wagon is rolling, endorse candidates and give advance coverage to meetings where citizens can vote. Just do it -- and get on board!!
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